Your Skin art has been hygienically applied with sterile equipment. To preserve a fresh un-faded result, it is essential to avoid infection during the healing period. Your new tattoo will take approximately 7-14 days to heal.
Application Instructions: It is important cleanse your fresh tattoo under warm running water as soon as possible (within 1-2 hours is preferred) after your tattoo appointment. Please DO NOT use bar soap as it can contaminate and dry out the fresh tattoo. Also using Anti-Bacterial soap is not recommended as the tattoo applied by the Professional Artist is done so using clean & antiseptic techniques to avoid the introduction of nasty bacteria. Warm running water is all your tattoo will need, unless your Professional Artist recommends a Tattoo specific cleansing wash for you to use. DO NOT use a washcloth or sponge. Pat dry, please DO NOT rub or scratch.
After washing your fresh tattoo it is important to ensure excellent hydration. Aftercare helps reduce scab formation as well as locking in colour pigments for a rapid heal. Apply only a THIN layer to your fresh tattoo and massage it in well to influence your body to naturally heal itself. DO NOT leave a thick film on the surface. Your artist can recommend an appropriate amount to use on your tattoo. Apply balm 2 to 3 times a day (before bed and after showering is ideal) or as necessary to keep the tattoo hydrated and comfortable. Wear clean clothes, and avoid close fitting items that may rub or irritate your tattoo.
AVOID- During the healing the healing period: Sunbathing, Direct UV Exposure, Chlorine, Swimming, Soaking in a bath, Unwashed clothes, Touching with unwashed hands, Picking or Scratching, Salt water, Oral contact.
If you have any questions, or concerns about the healing of your tattoo please call us at the studio on 06 355 4538 or email